That David Goyer is such a coy fellow. Must be from hangin' out with all them sly vampires all the time. In an interview with MTV, Goyer was asked specifically about the state of the Blade franchise. His response?
"It's been rumored over at New Line."
Que? Dude, don't play games. Now he could be referring to the Deacon Frost prequel that we posted about a few weeks ago, but then again he might not be. All I know is, Blade needs to continue. Period. But only if Wesley "The Taxman" Snipes is involved. I loved Sticky Fingaz as Blade during the series, but on the big screen it's Passenger 57 or bust. I know this is a New Line joint, but there's a part of me that still wishes they could work out some sort of deal to make Blade a part of the wider Marvel movie universe. Just think about how cool it'd be if Blade was a part of the Avengers. I'm all a twitter just thinkin' about it.