Has it been an amazing couple of years for Jackie Earle Haley or what? After so many years basically on the Hollywood Do Not Call List, his epic comeback began with his gut wrenching turn in Little Children. He's gone from playing one effed up dude after another since, taking on the role of Rorschach in Watchmen, and recently we've seen the first images of him as the scarred dreamkiller Freddy Kreuger. Now the rumors are that Haley is being courted to take on the role of yet another demented figure, that of Sinestro in the upcoming Green Lantern film!
For those who haven't boned up on their Green Lantern lore, Sinestro is Hal Jordan's former friend turned bitter rival and arch nemesis. Speculation is that Sinestro will mostly be played up as a teacher to the newly anointed GL, but that his turn to the dark side will be crucial to the story possibly as a springboard to the sequel. Whatever the case may be, the idea of Haley teaming up with Ryan Reynolds has made me far more interested in this film than I already was. The only thing that sucks is the delays caused by their move out of Australia.
There's also been talk that DC possibly might try to work in a cameo by the big blue & red boyscout, Superman, into the film. Nothing has been confirmed other than he's supposedly in one version of the GL script. This is probably stemming from the legal disputes centered around the use of the Superman character. DC/WB need to use the character in some way on screen or face further legal issues with the Siegel Family estate, and this might be part of their plan to do so. That leads to the inevitable question of who would be playing Supes? Brandon Routh? God I hope not. I'd rather see Dean Cain than Routh again. Personally I'm betting that it'll be someone totally new, in order to get as much distance from Superman Returns as possible while also gauging interest in the future health of the franchise.