If this is true, Thor is shaping up to be the greatest superhero movie ever. Period. Aint It Cool News is reporting that Jude Law and the great Robert Deniro are on board Kenneth Branagh's tale of the Marvel Universe's Norse God of Thunder! This all stems from an article in the German edition of GQ(there's a German GQ??) in which actor Matthias Schweighöfer states that not only does he have a role in the film but so do Law and Deniro. Of course nobody gave a rat's patooty about Schweighofer after that. The question now is, who the heck are they playing?
Personally I'm banking on them being two of the Warriors Three, Thor's warrior brethren who've helped him through many an adventure. Otherwise I'm at a total loss. Here's what I do know: if this is true then the film world of the Marvel Universe just took an epic leap forward ahead of anything Warner Bros. is attempting to do. With all the crossover in the Marvel movies, think what it could mean to have somebody like Deniro showing up in other superhero movies as well. This could be amazing.
Their addition also lends credence to the idea that this will be less superhero movie and more Shakespearian in tone. That's not to say there won't be lightning bolts and capes and heroics, but clearly Branagh is taking every step to make sure this is a well acted film first and foremost.