I've got a bad feeling about this. Ignoring the film's Swingers pedigree, beautiful cast of leading ladies, and scenic locale, there's something decidedly unfunny about the trailers for this film. Maybe it's my general disapproval of Vince Vaughn, who I'm struggling to think of a movie I've liked him in since 1995. Maybe it's just me getting sick of watching rich, spoiled yuppies complaining about their problems as a comedic premise. Blah. Bored now. Sounds like The Break Up mixed with Fantasy Island. Does that interesting to you? Yeah, me neither. The only thing missing is a Ted McGinley sighting.

So what was numero uno on The List last week is now numero dos this week. Why? Because I was fooled. Hornswoggled. Bamboozled. I assumed, ignorantly, that any movie released by The Coen Brothers would receive something of a large release. And this being the DC Metro area I assumed, ignorantly, that we'd be part of that. So what happens this week? I assumed, ignorantly, that this would be the week where A Serious Man expanded everywhere. Instead, it's playing at exactly one theatre: Landmark E Street. I will be there. Possibly today if all breaks the way I want it to.
If there's time...

I love Clive Owen. It's fair to say I've got a pretty decent sized man crush on the guy. I'm man enough to admit that. But sad sack Clive Owen is not my cup of tea. The Boys Are Back is one of those movies that's sole purpose appears to be to not just tug on your heart strings, but to yank on 'em and grind 'em into dust. Owen plays a fun loving sportswriter, who's life is turned upside down when the love is life is suddenly struck down by cancer, leaving him to take care of their two boys. Not normally something I'd lay down my money for, but I'll give it a chance.

I've seen it twice already, and I'd be willing to see it again. Now there are no more excuses for those who couldn't stay up late enough for the midnight shows because it's showing all day everyday. Of course it's still only at AMC Georgetown in the DC/Metro area, but don't let that deter you. Go get the sh*t scared out of you real good this weekend.
Nothing? Hoorah!!!