I think we can all agree that X2: X-men United is the best of all the X-men movies. Right? And that X3 is a steaming pile? Correct. Bryan Singer, who directed the first two X-men films but left in a backwards move to go direct Superman Returns(another steaming pile) has expressed interest in returning to the franchise he helped build, and apparently he's already spoken to 20th Century Fox about it...
"I'm still looking to possibly returning to the 'X-Men' franchise. I've been talking to Fox about it," Singer said at a talk at the Pusan International Film Festival.
"I love Hugh Jackman. I love the cast," he said, referring to the Australian actor who plays Wolverine.
Singer is a hard nut to crack. The guy always seems to have multiple projects on the burner, so it's virtually impossible to tell what's next on his agenda. Right now he's got as many as 5 projects lined up, including a big screen Battlestar Galactica and an updated version of Excalibur. No indication's been given as to what X-men film Singer is in talks to join, but speculation is that it would be the much rumored X4 film. Personally, I see Singer tackling a whole new project, possible the New Mutants or X-men: First Class films that have been rumored as well.