Not long after Kill Bill 2 came out, Tarantino made a few comments about possibly wanting to follow up with these characters, specifically The Bride again in like 10 years. His reason for waiting was that he wanted the daughter of Vernita Green(Vivica Fox) to be grown enough that she could possibly seek that vengeance against The Bride that was hintd at in Volume 1. That idea alone is awesome, and there have been blips on the radar here and there suggesting that Tarantino is indeed planning another Kill Bill installment. Well, in this video, Tarantino states in no uncertain terms his plans for the future of Kill Bill. The edge of my seat? Sitting on it.
Tarantino Promises Kill Bill 3!
Not long after Kill Bill 2 came out, Tarantino made a few comments about possibly wanting to follow up with these characters, specifically The Bride again in like 10 years. His reason for waiting was that he wanted the daughter of Vernita Green(Vivica Fox) to be grown enough that she could possibly seek that vengeance against The Bride that was hintd at in Volume 1. That idea alone is awesome, and there have been blips on the radar here and there suggesting that Tarantino is indeed planning another Kill Bill installment. Well, in this video, Tarantino states in no uncertain terms his plans for the future of Kill Bill. The edge of my seat? Sitting on it.