Lauren Schuler-Donner is one chatty cathy. Speaking with Empire Online, the producer lets fly a few tidbits about the future of certain X-men related films over at 20th Century Fox. A few of the highlights...
On Wolverine 2, Donner revealed that the Japanese story they are telling in the sequel is what they actually wanted to tell in the first Wolverine film. The head of 20th Century Fox, Tom Rothman, nixed that idea preferring to make as lame a first film as possible in order to set up a character that EVERYBODY ALREADY KNOWS!!!! She says, "There’ll be samurai, ninja, katana blades, different forms of martial arts — mano-a-mano, extreme fighting." Could be good, and pretty much has to be better than the last one.
She likens the tone of the upcoming X-men: First Class films to the most recent Harry Potters in that they will be darker and not just for the kiddies. She says, "It should not be a kiddie movie: we’re in the X-Men world so you can’t suddenly change the tone. The First Class comics are really fun — they’re funnier than any other comics I’ve read. Basically in each one the kids are fighting strange villains, sometimes it’s aliens, sometimes it’s monsters. I want to get a flavour of that world." This is a good idea, and I think lends itself perfectly to Bryan Singer being behind the camera. Either that or Joss Whedon. Yes, I'm throwing that out there.
The real juicy nugget comes on the subject of Deadpool, starring Ryan Reynolds. Here's what she had to say on the subject..
"I want to ignore the version of Deadpool that we saw in Wolverine and just start over again. Reboot it. Because this guy talks, obviously, and to muzzle him would be insane."
Well that's the best news I've read on this movie since the project was proposed. Getting as much distance away from the woeful portrayal of him in X-men Origins: Wolverine is the smart way to go, because that version of the character has no shot at becoming a franchise anything. She then goes on to say some fairly obvious stuff like Green Lantern and Deadpool are two different characters so there isn't a problem with Ryan Reynolds playing both. Duh.
Oh, and that proposed Magneto movie? Looks like it might be a no go since it keeps getting put on the backburner behind other projects. Good. I never liked the sound of it, anyway.