
Coming Soon: 'Grown Ups' starring Adam Sandler and co.

Above is the trailer for Adam Sandler's new flick 'Grown Ups', basically the story of a group of childhood friends, played by Sandler's real life friends, who reunite to hang out for a weekend. Boy is this an all star cast if this was 8 years ago, don't get me wrong I love every single one of the ensemble members...yes, even Rob Schneider, it's just that these guys hit their peak a while ago with the exception of Kevin James. David Spade seems somewhat annoying as usual and his one joke in the trailer falls flat but other than that this looks like it will be a somewhat fun flick. Now there is a difference between fun and funny, I don't see this being a gut busting comedy or setting any new bars for comedies that come after it, but I do think it will be a fun watch ala 'Wild Hogs'. What do you guys think? Should Sandler hang up his hat or are you looking forward to this one?