
Ghost Rider 2 to Ignore 1st Awful Film

"You have chosen....wisely." David Goyer, writer of the upcoming sequel to 2007's Ghost Rider, has done the right thing and somewhat distanced himself from the critically panned hit. Yes, it was a hit. Doesn't mean it was any good. In an interview with MTV, he reveals some details on the upcoming Marvel superhero flick...

"It's a bit more stripped down and darker. It's definitely changing tone. What 'Casino Royale' was to the Bond movies, hopefully this will be to 'Ghost Rider'," says Goyer. "It doesn't contradict anything that happened in the first film, but we're pretending that our audience hasn't seen the first film."

He also says that the story will take place some eight years after the last one. This is a wise move for them to take. While not the worst film ever, Ghost Rider didn't leave a good taste in a lot of people's mouths, and certainly didn't give the impression that it deserved to become a full fledged franchise. It's too soon to start from scratch, but perhaps a more streamlined narrative will accomplish what the first movie clearly didn't.