
New 'Ninja Assassin' promo clip!

Thanks to this latest promo clip we can get a good feeling for the basic theme of the upcoming martial arts showcase 'Ninja Assassin'. As a huge fan of everything martial arts, and c'mon who doesn't like ninjas? I am willing to say this is my most anticipated movie of the next month. I think this clip shows us two things; 1. Most detractors were correct in saying the acting, dialouge, and story may be subpar, Rain seems to act like an Asian Christopher Lambert. 2. The action will be non stop and downright amazing.....guess I'm in! Take a look at this promo and tell me that afterwards you didn't want to go on ebay and stock up on ninja swords and stars!

P.S. I really want to learn how to use that AWESOME knife on a rope thing he's got. Badassanomics at it's best!