
Coming Soon: 'Clash of the Titans' trailer

Who loves a remake? Yeah, not many people I know. There is reason for them though, even if that reason is missed and that is to improve upon the original film or concept. The original 'Clash of the Titans' was an iconic movie that most people remember watching growing up in the 80s or in school as part of a history class. Yes, that film was classic however it's FX aged like Kathleen Turner and to be honest it's really just laughable at this point. With that thought in mind why not remake a movie that would best benefit from our CGI technology laden world? Get someone awesome in the main role and you might be ok...what? They got Sam Worthington in what will more than likely be his official break out role (Sorry Avatar, I'm just not feeling it), well that's even better! So out comes the trailer and I can officially say I'm one happy camper when it comes to the visuals, Worthington looks perfect for the part and the CGI doesn't look cartoonish or overdone at all. The only complaint I really have is the music, is it just me or does it sound like it's about to break into 'The Final Countdown' toward the end there? That and that God awful tagline of "Titans Will Clash", really fellas? Lazy much? Anyway check out the trailer below and let me know what you think!