
'Slumdog Millionaire Team Takes to the Mountains

Remember that guy about 6 years ago, who got his arm crushed while mountain climbing and ended having to amputate it himself with a dull pocket knife? His name was Aron Ralston, and he's become something of a celebrity ever since that incident. So much so that he's getting a feature film made about himself, and by the same people who brought you Slumdog Millionaire last year. Danny Boyle, who directed last year's Best Picture winner, has already written the treatment for the film. The movie will be titled "127" hours, signifying the amount of time Ralston spent trapped alone on that mountain with no food and only a tiny amount of water to sustain himself.

At this point I'm convinced Boyle can do no wrong. Other than my boy P.T. Anderson nobody has a better string of great films than Boyle. In recent years he has been at the helm of 28 Days Later, Sunshine, Millions, and Slumdog Millionaire. Because of that it's easier for me to ignore crapfests like The Beach.

No word on who will star in the film, but production is nearly set to get underway with plans for late 2010 release.

Variety has more on the story here.