
Team Jacob Turns Action Hero?

Of all the things I didn't expect to come out of this whole Twilight debacle, it's that one of these wimps would be groomed as an action hero. But that's exactly what Summit is trying to do with their buffed up wolf boy, Taylor Lautner. Guess they figure on not letting his "good looks" and muscles go completely to waste. Lautner has signed on for Summit's latest teen flick, Cancun. Now, before you go getting all excited thinking it's about a wild drunken orgy and how can the do this to your beloved Jacob, chill out. It's not what it sounds like.

Twilight (Two-Disc Special Edition)Lautner will star as “an out-of-place college kid who travels with a girl to Cancun on a break. While there, the girl and her friends are taken hostage by a drug cartel and he is forced to save them.” Variety is describing it as "Taken meets Die Hard", without snow and old people, I'm assuming. The film is being produced by Taylor's father, Dan Lautner. Nepotism much?

Apparently, the film came about because Taylor saw Taken when it came out, and expressed a desire to make a similar film. I can respect that. And the dude does have a certain look that says "tortured hero' or something. Not like that pale, Gargamel looking Pattinson dude. While Cancun sounds like a lame flick, it's good to see some of these Twilight folks branching out beyond this lame franchise.