
Early 'The Expendables' Reports Looking Up

Thanks to Ain't It Cool News, and their readers we have some light onto how 'The Expendables' is shaping up. Apparently there was a screening of the film in California which two AICN readers were lucky enough to see, head here to read the whole story. To summarize the film seems to be exactly what we expected it to be, a recreation of 80's action cheese ala 'Commando' 'Tango and Cash', etc. One of the readers seemed to like the movie much more than the other but this is to be expected, this kind of movie with it's "so bad it's good" dialogue and unrealistic situations is not going to appeal to everyone. The important part though is that they both seem to convey that Stallone has effectively recreated the theme and feel of those movies we love so bad. I in NO way expect this to be a "Good" movie, I fully expect it to be a fun, entertaining, adrenaline pumping good time though and it's looking more and more like that's what were going to get. Now if they would only release a high quality full length trailer we could really get hyped. I know they're trying to redo the 80's stuff, but did they have to make the last trailer look like it was from a VHS tape?