
Return to Pandora: James Cameron to Novelize Avatar Prequel

While a sequel to Avatar is still a couple of years away, it's looking more and more likely that we'll be taken on another adventure set in that world before the year is up. In an interview with MTV, Avatar producer Jon Laundau confirmed that James Cameron will write a book detailing the time leading up to the events seen on the big screen.

“It would be something that would lead up to telling the story of the movie, but it would go into much more depth about all the stories that we didn’t have time to deal with — like the schoolhouse and Sigourney [Weaver's character] teaching at the schoolhouse; Jake on Earth and his backstory and how he came here; [the death of] Tommy, Jake’s brother; and Colonel Quaritch, how he ended up there and all that.”

The plan is for the novel to be out by the end of 2010.  The world of Avatar was so rich and full of potential that it's practically begging for a more thorough exploration. In particular, I want to see more about Tommy and the work he did before Jake was forced to replace him. I'm not a fan of companion books that supposedly flesh out movies because they usually feel nothing like the film, but this might be one worth checking out since Cameron is scripting it himself. Or maybe I'll just wait until the inevitable comic book version like the geek that I am.