
Rose McGowan cast in 'Conan'...is 'Red Sonja' imminent?

The latest casting news from the new action remake 'Conan' is that Rose McGowan has been given a part. This news will perk up the ears of those who have been following Rose's apparent involvement in the 'Red Sonja' remake as this could, or rather should, signal a crossover between the two films. Personally I'm far more interested in seeing what they do with Conan than with Red Sonja, not for any sexist reason but because the original 'Red Sonja' starring Bridgette Nielsen was such a horrendous piece of crap that even I couldn't enjoy it. I still don't by McGowan as Conan's female counterpart, she's just too dainty. I mean Bridgette Nielsen you could see kicking your ass but Rose is all of 5'4" and 110lbs I can't see her lifting a sword much less swinging one with authority. We shall see what comes of it but a sneaking suspicion tells me this will not be one of the remakes that's worth it. Hopefully they don't try to one up Ahhnold and instead just stick with the comic story and make their own movie.