I was wondering when Swedish director Lasse Hallstrom would begin the process of making up for
Dear John
. His next film,
The Danish Girl, already appears to be a step in the right direction. Based on the novel by David Ebershoff, it's the true story of
Einer Wegener, one of the first varifiable recipients of male to female sexual reassignment surgery. After the process was completed, Wegener changed his name to Lili Elbe.
Nicole Kidman has already been attached to play Elbe, and now it's been learned that she'll be joined by Marion Cotillard(
) in an unspecified role. It's most likely that she'll be playing
Gerda Wegener, Einer Wegener's wife who encouraged her husband's decision even at the expense of their marriage. At one point Charlize Theron, Uma Thurman, and Gwyneth Paltrow were all up for the role.
Kidman and Cotillard last worked together last year in Rob Marshall's musical,
. The Danish Girl is being produced by Kidman's company, Blossom Films, and is expected to release some time in 2012.