For awhile it seemed like there was a new Spider-Man story every friggin' day. I know. I wrote about it every friggin' day for months. Since we found out that Andrew Garfield(The Social Network) would be starring in Marc Webb's reboot, the info has slowed to a crawl. It's not even a crawl, it's totally dried up.
Now we're back at it again and this news couldn't be better to me.
EW is reporting that Emma Stone(
Easy A
) and Mia Wasikowska(
Alice in Wonderland
) are up for the two lead female roles in Spider-Man. That's right, two lead females. What does that mean? Well, it likely means we're going to get both Mary Jane Watson and Gwen Stacy in the flick. Unless Sony is planning something really unique, Emma Stone is probably going to be Mary Jane(formerly played by Kirsten Dunst) with Wasikowska as Stacy. The two have reportedly been screentesting for Sony and Webb opposite Garfield.
Please yes. Make this happen. Easy A is simply my favorite comedy of the year, and Emma Stone is the chief reason why. Mary Jane is a glamorous, sexy woman, but she's down to earth. Those are all qualities Stone has in spades. Wasikowska has proven to be a solid actress as well, a perfect fit for the highbrow Stacy.