
Remake of John Woo's 'The Killer' moves forward!!

        Even if you don't know the name you know John Woo. Have you ever seen a movie where the hero dives across the room while firing two handguns....Woo, how about the Mexican standoff scene that everyone attributes to Tarantino? Nope, Tarantino openly states that he was influenced by Woo for those scenes.  He is THE action director if you ask me, the brain behind films like Face-off and Mission Impossible III. His best work however was before he came to states to make movies. If you haven't seen it you MUST check out Hard Boiled which is easily in my top 5 shoot em' up action movies. Still, it was another movie that but American focus right on Woo, that was The Killer an awesome action flick that not only showed us Woo but also Chow Yun Fat. The story centers around a hitman who accidentally blinds a nightclub singer and makes it his business to protect her after the accident. It seems that Woo's plans to reinvent the film for American audiences is moving ahead according to a press release recieved by Deadline.com.

Producer John Woo said: “While all my films are special to me, THE KILLER is truly one of my favorites. We are thrilled to reinvent it as an English-language film and know it’s in capable hands by the incredible visual style and tender emotion John H. Lee brings to all his films.”
      Thank GOD Woo is involved, he may not be directing, that job is going to John Lee, but his involvement should ensure that it's not just another bastardized Hollywood remake. The writing is being handled by Josh Campbell and it will star Jung Woo-Sung recent star of critical hit The Good, The Bad, and The Weird, not a bad choice...you can't get as cool as Chow Yun Fat when it comes to playing an assassin but Woo-Sung should be up to the task. The only down side I can see is that they are planning on a 3D release, but whatever I'll just catch the 2D showing. See below for the trailer of the original, my apologies I could only find a french version....doesn't really matter though because all you need to see is the amazing action.