Nobody's a bigger fan of Rian Johnson's work than I am. He even wrote on our site once when I was crying like a little girl with a skinned knee about The Brothers Bloom being pushed back. Cool guy. So any new info about his next film, the time travel flick Looper, is eagerly snapped up by yours truly. With the film ready to start shooting soon, three more have now been added to the already impressive cast: Jeff Daniels, Piper Perabo, and Noah Segan.
They'll be joining Joseph Gordon-Levitt, Paul Dano, Emily Blunt, Bruce Willis, and Xu Qing in the sci-fi film about “a killer who works for the mob of the future. He, along with other so-called Loopers, dispose of people sent from the future. When he recognizes one victim as his future self, he hesitates, letting the man escape.”
If you haven't jumped on the Rian Johnson bandwagon, now is the time. Brick