Props to my Friday homie Brendon Connelly for digging into this a bit further, and he found an internet message board post that basically backs up the story...
Hi, new here guys, nice to find such a cool site. Im close friends with an art director in the film industry, i wont mention his name but he has worked closely with production designer Michael Carlin and is about to start work in Canada on Kal-El, the next Superman movie. He was busy in 2010 on Bond 23 before it went into hiatus. He told me that the movie for a while had the code name Red Shadow, but when official documentation and the script arrived it contained the title Red Sky At Night and as such was reffered to as this by Sam Mendes, Michael Carlin and the producers and the studio etc. I think its a pretty cool title myself though out of the two Red Shadow is better i think though Red Sky At Night has a classic Bond Movie ring to it. he also said that filming would have been done in Ontario, Canada and there was a large stunt involving the Ontario Tower as well as a huge hockey game and skiing/winter sports sequences. What do you guys think?
Skiing and winter sports sequences? Is this James Bond or Ski School
On a completely unrelated note, what's up with that bit about "Kal-El, the next Superman movie"? That's not the title Zack Snyder's going with, is it? Maybe it's just a working title?