
Angry Birds and 20th Century Fox's 'Rio' unite for epic Super Bowl sweepstakes!

Every second I'm away writing this is one less second I can spend playing Angry Birds on my IPAD, so you know this is important! Rovio, the creators of the insanely addictive Angry Birds video game are teaming up with 20th Century Fox and their upcoming animated feature, Rio, for a groundbreaking new TV spot to run during this weekend's Super Bowl!

The 30-second commercial for Rio, directed by Carlos Saldanha(Ice Age) will be the first in history to feature an embedded code. If you're one of the millions of people gathered around your TV screen and find the frame with the code, it will direct you to an extra special level on Angry Birds which will take you to a Rio sweepstakes. That's not even close to being it, as the winner of the sweepstakes will attend the world premiere of Rio in, you guessed it, Rio De Janiero! The premiere coincides with the long awaited release of the Angry Birds Rio app on March 22nd.

Does posting this make me ineligible? Must run that question past the rules committee!

The TV spot will also be available online at www.youtube.com/officialriomovie.