
1st look at Captain America's sidekick in two brand new images!

We've now seen a lot of shots of Chris Evans in his full Captain America get-up, but one thing that completely slipped my mind was that we hadn't yet seen his loyal, youthful sidekick, Bucky. In the comics, Bucky Barnes was a 15 year old kid who fought alongside Cap in his many battles during WWII. He would eventually die in action, but years later he is revealed to be alive and known as the Winter Soldier. He eventually takes over the mantle of Captain America after Steve Rogers is presumed dead.

None of that has anything to do with the movie, however, and now we're getting the first images of Sebastian Stan(Gossip Girl) as Bucky.  The first image(seen above) comes courtesy of ComingSoon.net, who snagged it from a French website, Premiere. Kinda cool, actually. The site features one informative quote from Chris Evans, who reveals that he's contractually bound for six Marvel movies rather than nine as we had previously heard.

The second image comes from the LA Times, and is obviously a much sharper look at both Cap and Bucky together. Bucky looks like he's just been through Hell, doesn't he?  Their story also notes a key quote from director Joe Johnston about the difference between Bucky in the comics and in the movies, which also might explain a little bit about the above shot...

Johnston: "We took some liberties with the relationship between the two guys,” Johnston is quoted as saying. “In our story, Bucky is already in the service, he’s already joined up and is being sent overseas while Steve is still struggling to get in the army. That’s different than what you may have read in the comics. It adds a nuance to the relationship that pays off later. They’re closer in age, too — they’re virtually the same age.”

 I still feel the same way I've always felt about the film, but the more I see of Cap minus the cheesy uniform the more I like the look of it. I have a feeling the best parts for me might be early on as Steve Rogers is forged into Captain America.  We shall see!