
Think Final Destination 5 will be the end? Think again!

When The Final Destination grossed a hearty $181M at the box office, it wasn't long before the that final destination turned into a brief layover. Within weeks a fifth installment was greenlit, and a release date of August 26th 2011 nailed down. Tony Todd, the infamous Candyman, was confirmed to be reprising his role as mysterious mortician William Bludworth in the film, but in a talk with Dread Central he clearly states that this probably isn't the last time we'll be seeing him....

Todd: "Thumbs up! Thumbs way up. They expanded my part, and the producer told me as we were leaving Vancouver that if it opens at Number 1 – which statistically it has – they’re going to shoot the next two simultaneously."

No doubt the Final Destination flicks have all been financially successful on fairly limited budgets. So the point is that if this next one is a success, expect at minimum two more. If that's not reason enough to convince you to stay home and not see Final Destination 5 then I don't know what is. Talk about a tired, idea deprived franchise. 

Final Destination 5 stars Emma Bell(Frozen, The Walking Dead) and Nick D'Agosto(Fired Up). It will be shot and released in 3D and I'm assuming will feature a premonition which saves a bunch of lives, then those same folks get killed in comically horrific ways.