
Trailer Time: Ironclad, starring Paul Giamatti and James Purefoy

One thing I never thought I'd get to see was the great Paul Giamatti, for my money the most consistently excellent actor in the biz, in a medieval war flick. Turns out I was wrong and I couldn't be more happy about it. Directed by Jonathan English, Ironclad sees the actor as King John in the year 1215. Furious at having been forced to sign the Magna Carta, he raises a mercenary army and begins a complete rampage across England. The only thing that stands in his way of total victory are a small group of soldiers in the last remaining castle at Rochester.

Giamatti alone is worth the price of admission, but I have a particular soft spot for anything involving knights and sieges and swordplay. James Purefoy has bored me in pretty much everything outside of HBO's Rome, but Kate Mara(who replaced Megan Fox!) and Brian Cox are usually solid even though we don't get to see much of them in this trailer. 

So far the film hasn't been picked up for distribution here in the States, but let's hope that changes in the near future. Check out the brand new UK trailer below!