In case you haven't noticed, I haven't been around much lately. Those of you who know me know that I've spent the last eight days in Hawaii taking a much needed break from all things Hollywood. No movies, no movie news, I didn't bother to look at the site even once. There's no need to go through the many adventures I had there, but you can probably follow it better over on my Facebook page. So for the last week my homie and other half of the Punch Drunk duo has been holding down the fort, to which he's done an excellent job. But now I'm back and apparently a lot of shit went down! You mean they don't just stop making movies while I'm off shoving my piehole full of shave ice and papaya? Pfeh. So what happened? A quick rundown of the things which caught my eye most...
* So apparently everybody has been wrong all these weeks when it comes to Joseph Gordon-Levitt and Marion Cotillard's roles in The Dark Knight Rises. JGL has been mentioned as playing everybody from The Riddler to Alberto Falcone, but a press release from Warner Brothers states that he'll actually be John Blake, a Gotham City beat cop on special duty under Commissioner Gordon. Not a character I'm familiar with from the comics, so he's either new or extremely obscure. Either way, you have to expect this to be a more important role than it sounds considering the casting.
Cotillard's pretty face will be appearing as Miranda Tate, a Wayne Enterprises board member eager to help a grieving Bruce Wayne get back on track. Again, this has to be a bigger role than it sounds. She's either going to end up as Bruce's new love interest, or she's going to stab him in the back somehow. I'm voting for the latter.
* The film I've been completely gah-gah over the last few months is Baz Luhrmann's The Great Gatsby
* Marvel Studios prez Kevin Feige continues to be a fountain of information when it comes to the superhero cinematic universe. We've pretty much known that Captain America sequels were soon to follow, the same with Thor. The only question about Cap was whether it would take place in the days of WWII or if he'd be thawed out in current times. Feige has now stated that we can expect to see both Cap and Thor sequels down the line, and that Cap's story will take place in the modern era. Personally I'm hoping it'll involve the USAgent somehow.
* In case you somehow forgot(or like me were still hoping it wasn't true), Kate Beckinsale is married to director Len Wiseman. They met on the set of Underworld
* The mere mention of Lindsay Lohan in conjunction with the mob biopic Gotti: Three Generations has already placed a black cloud over it. Not only has director Nick Cassavetes(Alpha Dog
* Warner Brothers is clearly trying to position Tales from the Gangster Squad as a modern day take on The Untouchables
There's a lot more, but I'm going to follow-up on some of this stuff individually because it deserves a little more time. It feels good to be back in the saddle, though!