As lame as the ol' Governator may be now, nobody had a better string of awesome action flicks in the 80s than he did. He was never stronger, more impressive, more capable of kicking butt than he was in Predator, making the other buffed up dudes(Carl Weathers, Jesse "The Body" Ventura) look pale by comparison. John McTiernan's confident, muscular direction was a bonus, and it didn't hurt that the predator was such an impressive destructive force. A movie like this relies on the strength of the creature, and in the predator we have a merciless, cold blooded killing machine who doesn't care who his victims are as he hunts only for sport. How friggin' cool is that?
Predator was so good that every film in the series has in some way been trying to match it's feel, but none have succeeded. The latest, Predators
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