Two movies in and Craig Brewer has established himself as a filmmaker with a gifted ear for music. His first film, Hustle and Flow
The plan is to relaunch Edgar Rice Burroughs' classic character in a trilogy of films, to be Brewer's next gig assuming he gets a script down that Warner Brothers is cool with. The studio also has a separate Tarzan film the early stages of development as well, with a draft being penned by Adam Cozad. So with two projects in the planning stages, it's clear WB pictures this a high profile, potentially blockbusting franchise.
Tarzan's first story was told by Burroughs in 1912, then released as a novel in 1914. The character is a man named John Clayton, who as a baby is stranded in a jungle when his parents are killed by a wild ape. The baby is taken in by another ape and raised as one of their own, never knowing of his human heritage. Another group of people makes their way to the jungle, most notably a woman named Jane Porter("You Tarzan, me Jane") who eventually becomes his wife.The most recent film I can remember dealing with the Tarzan