
Coming Soon: 'The Unleashed'

You know, for a grown ass man that fancies himself a horror aficionado I certainly can be a pu....errr....wimp sometimes. I just checked out this new trailer for Dark House film's upcoming release The Unleashed, in the middle of the day mind you, and was much more creeped out than I care to admit. Ever since The Ring most horror movies have been trying to leverage that unnatural stop motion type effect with most of them failing pretty miserably. I can honestly say that, judging by this trailer, The Unleashed seems to have uncovered the secret to visuals that, at the very least, leave you quite unsettled. Dark House has a damn good track record in my book [NOTE: Apparently I confused Dark House with After Dark films when writing this...seeing as this is Dark House's first release they have no track record...still I stand by being psyched] so I'm going to go ahead and consider myself psyched for the release of this one (not to mention the cast is scorching hot!).

Just as a side note, while it works well in movies should any real person come into misfortune after using a Ouija board you should expect no sympathy from me. Your ass should've known better by now. Just the sight of those things makes me want to grab a super-soaker full of Holy water.

Here's the official synopsis:

Madison Kennard, a troubled woman dealing with her dark past, must venture home after an 8 year absence following her mother’s death. Almost instantly after her return, Madison must cope with the haunting memories of a childhood best forgotten.

Bizarre and unexplainable events occur within the house after Madison and old friends come together to dabble with the infamous Ouija board. Dark oak wood, round in shape, and with numbers in Roman numerals, this board is unlike any others. Found in the attic of the home, Madison has no idea of the secrets and danger that comes with contacting the dead through this board.

Here's the fun part! Watch the trailer below and gauge your manliness/womanliness by how much you get through before you get that urge to look behind you or turn a light on.