Y'know how long it's been since Robert Zemeckis made a film with real live human beings in it? It was 2000 and the film was Castaway, with Tom Hanks getting a bit too chummy with a volleyball. Since then he's been completely wrapped up in making the "performance capture" technology he helped develop into a Hollywood force, and had some success for awhile(The Polar Express
The LA Times reports that Zemeckis has locked up Denzel Washington to star in Flight, a film about a airline pilot who becomes a national hero when he successfully lands a malfunctioning plane and saves everybody. The problem is it was him who caused the problem to begin with, exacerbated by his addiction to drugs and alcohol. The pilot's union and the airline work together to hide his secret from the public, causing an even greater burden. Did I mention that the pilot's name is Whip Whitaker? Does this suddenly sound like a less serious film? I bet it does. Here's hoping Paramount forces somebody to change dude's name. I love the premise, though. Kinda sounds like if Sully Sullenberger was a total heel.
The script was written by John Gatins, who is something of a hot commodity now after writing Shawn Levy's rock 'em sock 'em robot pic, Real Steel(and it's eventual sequel). Gatins also wrote the basketball drama Coach Carter
Shooting will begin in the fall, meaning that we'll be waiting even longer for Zemeckis to get around to his Roger Rabbit