
The Sunday Drive: 6/26/11

3. Bad Teacher
Cameron Diaz puts her comedic gifts front and center in a way she hasn't since There's Something About Mary. She stars as the worst teacher ever, a hard drinking, weed smoking gold digger who has her eyes set on the new substitute teacher: Justin Timberlake. A dirty, foul mouthed comedy and a spitball in the face of those altruistic school dramas. Features a fantastic supporting cast with Jason Segel and Lucy Punch. 

2. Cars 2
Ignore the critics(except me of course!), Pixar's aiming for a different audience with their sequel to 2006's Cars. Expanding from the small town of Radiator Springs to a fast paced global adventure with spies, conspiracies, and lots of racing action, Pixar still manages to keep the heart that makes their films work. 
1. X-men: First Class
Still the best superhero movie of the summer, still one of the smartest movies of the year. Matthew Vaughn has taken the X-men back to their roots and found fresh life to reinvigorate the once powerful mutant franchise.

DVD Pick of the Week: The Adjustment Bureau
Create your own destiny, no matter the odds. That seems to be the message of The Adjustment Bureau, George Nolfi's brilliant adaptation of Philip K. Dick's sci-fi novella about an unknown group of who supernaturally control our daily lives to manipulate the future. Matt Damon, proving once again that he might be the most credible actor in the biz today, is a fast rising politician who meets the woman of his dreams(Emily Blunt). But the "adjusters" can't let their relationship happen, for unknown reasons. It's up to Damon to fight against fate to secure the life he desires for himself. A fantastic, whip smart actioner with a romantic twist.