J.J. Abrams is a geek. A film geek, especially. Hasn't it always been obvious? You could see it in the very theatrical presentation of his TV series' like Alias
What Super 8 provides us is a welcome break from the costumed superheroes, umpteenth sequels, and tired old adaptions of teen romance novels. An original film that springs forth from the mind of Abrams, Super 8 will transport you back to the movies of your youth. The movies that inspired you to build tree houses and forts, and run off on "wild" adventures just a few blocks away from home. I could see Super 8 sitting on a store shelf next to copies of E.T., Flight of the Navigator
The familiar Amblin Entertainment logo greets you warmly, a welcome reminder of their great movies of the past. It also serves as a promise that what you're about to see is worth being mentioned in the same breath as The Goonies
While shooting late one night, the gang is witness to a cataclysmic train derailing that nearly kills them all. From out of the wreckage, something terrible emerges. But along with it, come a lot of questions. Questions that the military doesn't want answered, and anyone who gets in their way is in danger.

The cast is superb, with authenticity oozing out of every scene. Joel Courtney is perfect as Joe, and reminded me a lot of Sean Astin in The Goonies. He's the same sort of hero, nervous, shy, but brave when called upon to help others. It's amazing how complete of an actress Elle Fanning has become at such a young age. These kids talk like real kids do. They joke with eachother, rag on eachother, and they cuss like sailors...when the parents aren't around.
But isn't that one of the best things about those movies we used to love? They were always about the kids, not the parents. The adults were usually written into the background only to show up at the end, worried but relieved. It was always up to the youngsters to use their own ingenuity, to figure out what they do best, to save the day. Those films were about discovery, camaraderie, and sharing a timeless adventure with your friends. Abrams gets it better than anybody has in years.
Trav's Tip: Amblin Entertainment was named after Steven Spielberg's first film, a short he did in 1968 about a man who meets a hippie woman while hiking across a desert. Amblin was so well received that it earned him a seven year contract with Universal.