
Watch Spike Jonze and Arcade Fire's 30 minute short film, Scenes from the Suburbs

A few months ago, Spike Jonze and the group Arcade Fire decided to take their partnership with music videos and movie soundtracks to another level. They collaborated on a 30 minute short film titled Scenes from the Suburbs, about a lazy summer where a bunch of kids watch their small town being taken over by the military. Jones was behind the camera, with Arcade Fire frontman Win Butler and his brother Will scripting. After popping up at the Berlin Film Festical and at SXSW, you can catch the entire thing right now on Mubi for the next 48 hours.

That's not a lot of time, so if you're unable to catch it you can just wait for the expanded edition of Arcade Fire's hit album, The Suburbs, where the film will also be included. You can pre-order it now right here if you're so inclined. It releases on August 2nd.