
Tom Hanks says there will be a Toy Story 4. Is he pullin' our leg?

What is this, 12 #1 movies in a row for Pixar with Cars 2? Whether you think the film was good or not doesn't really matter, the fact remains that sequels have been very profitable for the company. All one has to do is look at last year's Toy Story 3, which earned over $1B(!!!!) and very nearly won an Academy Award for Best Picture.  That was supposed to be the last we'd ever see of Buzz, Woody, and the rest of the gang, except for in short films and such. If you go to Cars 2 you'll be treated to the first one, Hawaiian Vacation, and it's probably the best part of the experience. Rumors of a Toy Story 4 never really went away, though, and now Tom Hanks has thrown some fuel on the fire with this statement made to the BBC(via our homies at BleedingCool) when asked about the possibility...

Hanks:  “I think there will be, yeah. I think they’re working on it now.”

Is he serious? Or is he just pulling the wool over people's eyes? Hanks was out promoting his new film, Larry Crowne, and maybe he wasn't in the mood to field a bunch of Toy Story questions. They'll never end, dude. Seriously.  Toy Story is probably the most popular animated series ever, and people are always going to want to revisit those characters. Personally I thought Toy Story 3 was the absolute perfect conclusion and shouldn't be screwed with. But I also realize the ever present calling of the almighty dollar, and so does Pixar. Or should I say, so does Disney. I won't be surprised in the least if we see Toy Story 4 some time in 2013.