
Alcon Entertainment preps Point Break remake

When you think about Keanu Reeves, what movie immediately comes to mind? If you're hovering around my age, I'm betting the answer is Point Break. Not that it's a particularly great film. In fact it's probably the most ludicrous cop movie of the 90s(Cop and a Half be damned!!), a weird mix of testosterone and surfer boy cool that helped give Keanu Reeves the "Zen Master" mystique he's held ever since. Kathryn Bigelow(The Hurt Locker) directed it, and I'm sure even she is shocked at how popular and copied the film remains. Everytime you see a bank robbery with the criminals rockin' a bunch of President masks, you have Point Break to thank for it.

So of course it's being remade. Duh. Everything gets remade nowadays. And it's being brought to you by Alcon Entertainment, the folks behind the upcoming Blade Runner prequel/sequel from Ridley Scott. The script is being readied by Kurt Wimmer(Salt), who is also one of the producers, but the director has yet to be determined. Anybody paging Ms. Bigelow?  No? If they can get Ridley Scott back for Blade Runner why can't she come back for this? Eh?

The story centered on a cop with the porn star name of Johnny Utah(Reeves) who infiltrates a group of surfers turned bank robbers led by the monk-like Bodhi(Patric Swayze). In Wimmer's new, younger skewing version, the cop will be going undercover with a bunch of Extreme Sports fanatics. >sigh<  So expect the token cameo by Shaun White or Matt Hoffman or somebody else vaguely recognizable from Mountain Dew commercials.

Point Break of course doesn't need to be remade. It's silliness knows no bounds and leaps beyond time and space. It's an iconic film for this very reason, and remakes of this sort tend to be the ones that fall the hardest. [Deadline]