
Trailer Time: Mirror Mirror, starring Julia Roberts and Lily Collins

With at least three Snow White movies in the works, we're all extremely fortunate that none of them appear to be remotely the same. The trailer for Snow White and the Huntsman struck a chord with everybody in a Lord of the Rings sort of way, jumping way ahead of Tarsem Singh's Mirror Mirror in a lot of people's minds. The two couldn't be more different, with Singh's looking far more colorful and playing more for cheesy soap opera theatrics than anything else. Or at least that's what we've heard. With the release of the first Mirror Mirror trailer, it's clear Singh is looking to make the weirdest Snow White story anybody's ever seen.

Starting with the Bollywood-esque dance number, Mirror Mirror looks totally different than any of Singh's previous films. The color palette is there, and so are his usual gaudy outfits(like Snow White with a swan on her head), but is it me or is this somehow more muted than would be expected out of the guy who gave us The Fall, Immortals, and The Cell? At least Julia Roberts seems to be having a good time as the vainglorious evil queen, but that's about it. I'm kinda disappointed. It better be damn funny. Check out the trailer below...

Starring Lily Collins, Julia Roberts, and Armie Hammer, Mirror Mirror will hit theaters on March 16th 2012. The next week it gets owned by The Hunger Games.