
Trailer Time: Titanic 3D, starring Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet

This feels like a monumental waste of time. Writing about the re-release of Titanic, a movie that came out fifteen years ago and everyone has seen a billion times. The one time highest grossing movie ever, at a time when ticket prices were considerably lower. Titanic was never a film I had any love for. It's insufferably long. The central romance is absurd. And frankly things didn't pick up until I had the chance to start rooting for the iceberg.

But here it is, the trailer for James Cameron's 3D re-release of the epic romance, with the fresh faces of Leonardo DiCaprio and Kate Winslet. Whatever happened to those two? So much potential.  The film sails into theaters on April 6th, where it'll no doubt bank another couple hundred million in Cameron's bank account. Hey, if The Lion King can work up half that for Disney, it only makes sense this will do even better. Can they sink the ship at the beginning this time? Just for me? Check out the trailer below...