Ever since she was first rumored to be part of The Dark Knight Rises, Marion Cotillard's presence has only meant one thing to me: Talia Al-Ghul. The daughter of Liam Neeson's Ra's Al Ghul from Batman Begins, Talia is the leader of the League of Shadows and a major thorn in Batman's side. This being a Christopher Nolan joint, what Cotillard's role actually is has been shrouded in secrecy, even though there have been little clues and rumors pointing in that general direction.
I first read this yesterday morning (via i09) but wasn't sure what to make of it, and now it's getting some traction. A recent profile of young actress Leilah de Meza in the Surrey Commet includes a quote from her mother about passing up a role in The Dark Knight Rises, and that the role was for a "young Talia al Ghul". She went on to add that they turned it down because of the demand she cut all her hair off, and they didn't want it to effect her socially at such a young age. Respectable. I'm assuming Joey King(Ramona & Beezus) took over the role at that point.

To me this is pretty solid stuff, and it clears up what to me is one of the few remaining questions about the film. We should be seeing a new trailer in just a matter of days, plus the 6-minute prologue, which should make things even clearer. The Dark Knight Rises opens next year on July 20th.