Three new banners for The Amazing Spider-Man!
Hmmmm....what exactly is Sony planning here? A couple of days ago we saw the release of a new poster for The Amazing Spider-Man, which looked like a concerted effort to blunt the impact of all the recent hype for The Dark Knight Rises. Even the poster had that grim 'n gritty feel of Christopher Nolan's film, a stark contrast from everything we've seen from Spidey so far. And now today comes the release of three international banners featuring the wallcrawler, and they are as bright and cheery as you'd expect a Spider-Man film to be. I'm not convinced Sony knows exactly how to push the film right now, but I can offer a bit of advice: Spider-Man does not do "dark" very well. That goes for the comic books as well as in movies. Just look at Spider-Man 3 as an example.
Anyway, the banners are below, and The Amazing Spider-Man opens next year on July 3rd!