
Looks like we can also remove the 'Teenage' from Michael Bay's 'Ninja Turtles'

You probably don't need a refresher on just how insane this week has been for fans of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles. Just google the words "TMNT-Gate" and you'll get caught up pretty fast. Or just go here, here, here, and the most recent nugget from director Jonathan Liebesman here. To sum it up, Michael Bay revealed that our favorite shell-backed heroes will be from outer space rather than mutants. The internet explodes. "Rape" charges were lodged. It was crazy. Now our homie Brendon Connelly at BleedingCool has learned that the working title for the film will simply be Ninja Turtles. Renew outrage.

Before you get too upset about it, just think for a second. We already know they aren't mutants, so unless we want the acronym to be TNT....wait, that's actually not so bad.  Whatever, the reason for the change appears to be marketing related, aiming for simplicity in the same way John Carter of Mars was reduced to simply John Carter

The question now is whether the exclusion means they won't have any "teenage" qualities. I have a feeling some of those traits may be swapped in favor of a "culture clash" sort of deal, since they will be aliens visiting our planet and unfamiliar with our ways. Whatever the case, I'm starting to think this is a big enough topic to warrant a special show next week, so keep an eye out for that.