
Randy Orton's checkered military career costs him role in 'The Marine: Homefront'

Normally when a WWE superstar has some sort of military background, Vince McMahon will play up that aspect of their character for all that it's worth. In the case of Randy Orton, that part of his past has mostly been ignored, even though he's been more than willing to talk about it in interviews. For a time, Orton was a member of the United States Marine Corps, but his record was spotty to say the least, and was labeled a deserter after spending 3 months AWOL from the Pendelton, CA base from which he was stationed. Not to mention there was the little issue of willfully disobeying a superior's order, landing him in a military prison for over a month. Sgt. Slaughter he wasn't.

So it a little surprising that Orton was chosen to star in The Marine: Homefront a couple of weeks ago. Almost as soon as the decision was made there was a minor uproar from people who served alongside Orton, and they weren't happy...

Cpl Mike Vinn: I am disgusted that his face and the word Marine are being used next to each other — real or fake — because of the fact that he quit us, the country, and the Marine Corps, in the role of a Marine is a disgrace to those that have worn and are wearing that uniform.

In response, the WWE has pulled Orton from the film completely and will seek another from their roster to take his place. John Cena and Ted Dibiase Jr. starred in the first two movies.

I actually don't see this as that big of a deal, as it's only a movie role. One that Orton could have knocked out of the park. However, the WWE and Vince McMahon have a long and deep connection with the troops(they do a couple of shows for them every year) and it would be bad business to break that bond. Orton probably isn't going to be hurt too bad over this, as the WWE is ramping up the film side of the business steadily and there will be other roles for him. [Military Times]