
Trailer Time: 'Here', starring Ben Foster and Lubna Azabel

Ben Foster is always just one major film away from superstar status on the level of a Ryan Gosling, but he seems content with taking critically acclaimed roles in smaller films or showy side parts in major movies. His collaborations with Oren Moverman in movies like The Messenger and Rampart have led to some of the best reviews of his career, while appearing in Contraband opposite Mark Wahlberg keeps him in the public consciousness. When that major film comes up for him, probably in a biopic of some sort, Foster is going to step up in a major way, but for now he's settling in for another tiny art house piece that nobody will see.

Here marks the directorial debut of Braden King and has Foster starring as an American satellite mapping engineer(exciting!) who enters into a brief but intense relationship with an Armenian photographer played by Lubna Azabel(Paradise Now). After meeting purely by luck, the two take off on a road trip where their romance takes them into uncharted, often turbulent territory.

Here opens in limited release on April 13th before expanding further. Check out the trailer below....