Amber Heard to play a sexy assassin in 'Machete Kills'
A couple of weeks ago, Robert Rodriguez expressed his desire to have Michelle Williams join his uber-violent sequel, Machete Kills. Well, snagging the Oscar nominated actress didn't happen, and we don't exactly know what her role would have been. However I'm guessing it's the one that Amber Heard has just taken over, and while most would disagree, this is a step up in my book.
Variety reports that Heard will play a sexy and manipulative assassin with the code name of Miss San Antonio. She'll join the returning Danny Trejo, Michelle Rodriguez, and Jessica Alba, along with new faces Mel Gibson and the newly added Demian Bichir. This time around, Machete will be hired by the government to take out a wealthy crimelord with plans to launch a satellite into orbit. The mission will end up with the knife-wielding Mexican vigilante in outer space, setting up the final film in the trilogy: Machete Kills Again...in Space.
Nobody's going to argue that Heard is a superior actress to Michelle Williams, but she's more comfortable in this type of pulpy material after having done an excellent job in Drive Angry. Plus she'll be more fun to look at, and with a name like Miss San Antonio I can only imagine the kind of get-up she'll be wearing. We talkin' pageant wear? With guns?
Machete Kills should begin production this month.