
'Before Sunrise/Before Sunset' sequel to shoot this summer

Ahhh, the trilogy. Hollywood banks on them for a number of reasons. Mainly because it's three opportunities to get your hard earned cash, but also because it provides the perfect beginning/middle/conclusion to one overarching story. Usually the trilogy is reserved for big blockbusters, but that's not always the case. The occasional dramatic, acting showcase gets much the same treatment.

Fans have been eager for Richard Linklater, Julie Delpy, and Ethan Hawke to reunite one more time to wrap up their beloved Before Sunrise/Before Sunset films. The first film kicked off in 1995's Before Sunrise, and followed star-crossed lovers Jesse(Hawke) and Celine(Delpy), who meet on a train and then proceed to spend the entire day together, slowly falling in love over robust conversation covering just about every subject under the sun. They reunited nine years later for Before Sunset, which saw the two characters in very different places, but with the same mutual attraction. The movies never made a ton of money, but that was never really their point. They are critical favorites, and frankly I don't know anybody who doesn't love them.

Back in November we started hearing increased rumblings of a third film, and now Hawke reveals that is definitely moving forward, with shooting to begin this summer....

Hawke: We’re also doing a follow-up to Before Sunrise and Before Sunset, so that will be fun. We’re going to shoot that this summer,” Hawke reveals. “I’ve gotten into trouble, so I’m sworn to secrecy [about where it will take place]. The biggest change between this one and the last one is the Internet. The first time we did it, we didn’t have any pressure; nobody gave a shit.

There's really no reason why they have to stop at three. It could conceivably go on forever as long as Hawke, Delpy, and Linklater feel they have something fresh to say. I think there are lot of folks who would be okay with that. [IndieWire]