
David Cronenberg, Viggo Mortensen, and Vincent Cassel returning for 'Eastern Promises' sequel

In 2007, David Cronenberg followed up his surprise hit, A History of Violence, with the Russian gangsta film, Eastern Promises. Starring Viggo Mortensen, Vincent Cassel, and Naomi Watts, it was a film that a lot of critics loved, but I think is best remembered for being so vastly different from typical Cronenberg stuff. I think it sort of lives and dies by the one scene everyone remembers, with a buck naked Mortensen embroiled in a bloody, wet brawl in a Turkish bathhouse.

There have been rumblings of a possible sequel for awhile now, but it always seemed unlikely for a variety of reasons. It's not a film that screams for a follow-up, and all the principle players are extremely busy. But, what has been clear is that Cronenberg and Mortensen have a soft spot for it, and wanted to return. Now it looks like it's definitely happening, with Vulture reporting that Cassel is also set to reprise his role as the insane Kirill, the mobster's son and boss to Mortensen's Nikolai. Cronenberg will direct, based on a script by original writer, Steven Knight. The story would take place not long after Eastern Promises ended, with Kirill and Nikolai now apparently having inherited the Family throne from the former's father. We probably won't be seeing Watts come back, as her story wrapped up neatly enough.

If all goes according to plan, we'll see Eastern Promises 2 hit production some time next year. I'm interested in seeing where this one goes, mainly because it's so unexpected.