
Is this the first 'Transformers 4' poster?

Most of you might not realize this, but figuring out what movie posters are legit and which are bullpucky is harder than one might think. So many of them are released every day, and many of the fan made ones that we like to highlight on this site are so good that they resemble studio-made productions. Or conversely, studio posters are often terrible enough they look like they were Photoshopped in some geek's basement. Anyway, that's a long-winded way of saying that you may want to take this supposed Transformers 4 poster with a serious helping of sodium.

Cine1 calls it a "provisional poster" for Michael Bay's upcoming film, which should be arriving in 2014. What the heck is a "provisional poster"? That's a new one for me, and sounds like a vague way of saying "We don't know where this shit came from".  Whatever the case, the poster isn't even very good. It looks like a promo image from Dark of the Moon, given a shadowy touch-up. And what's with that "Evil Will Burn" tagline?  Makes no sense, unless somebody pissed motor oil in Optimus' energon and he goes off on a rampage.

Although we've learned quite a bit over the last few weeks about Transformers 4, it's still awfully early for Paramount to be dropping promotional material. My gut tells me this is a pretty good, fan-made poster, and nothing more. We'll find out soon enough, I'm sure. [BleedingCool]