
Osama Bin Laden to be played by Brit actor Ricky Sekhon in 'Zero Dark Thirty'

Secrecy is the new normal when it comes to movie making, with projects that seemingly aren't that big of a deal kept under heavy guard. Such is the case with Kathryn Bigelow's Zero Dark Thirty, which while casting up the film with a remarkable group including Jessica Chastain, Joel Edgerton, Chris Pratt, and Mark Strong, word has been quiet on whether or not the hunt for Osama Bin Laden flick would actually include the terrorist leader. Turns out it will, and the role has been filled for quite awhile.

Baz Bamigoye of the Daily Mail revealed that Brit actor, Ricky Sekhon, was brought on to play Bin Laden, and has already completed his work on the film while production was in the Middle East. Sekhon only has a couple of minor films under his belt, so this is clearly the biggest of his career. I'm guessing Bin Laden won't be seen much in the actual movie, as the story is said to mostly deal with the behind-the-scenes workings in trying to uncover his whereabouts. 

The secrecy continues, though, as Sekhon when asked would only reveal he has a role in the film, but wouldn't say who he was playing due to a non-disclosure agreement. Furthermore, a number of roles have been kept hidden due to the "sensitive nature" of the characters. To me that sounds like we may be seeing some prominent American political figures. Maybe they'll go into how George W. Bush actively worked to not have Bin Laden found? "Dead or alive" my ass.  If Bigelow is going to be pushing those kinds of buttons, this is a movie I'm more eager for than ever.

Zero Dark Thirty opens on December 19th and also features Nash Edgerton, Jennifer Ehle, Mark Duplass, Kyle Chandler, Jason Clarke, Edgar Ramirez, Harold Perrineau, Scott Adkins, and Fares Fares.