
Punch Drunk DVD's--6/19

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Project X:  Some called this flick especially low brow and downright stupid....those people call a dry martini and a string quartet a party, not us. We are unanimous on this movie being the perfect nostalgia trip to high school that doesn't land you in jail. Sure, the hijinks are a bit over the top but anyone who's been to a wild party will find at least a few familiar situations. Personally I do consider this a purchase but I would say to rent first and see if you think it'll have replay value for you.

Wanderlust: Paul Rudd and Jennifer Aniston play a couple who's hi-speed life has become too much to take without a peaceful break from reality. Taking a trip to a remote area sounds peaceful enough...the only problem (or plus) is that they end up in a nudist commune. A rental at best. 

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