
Ray Winstone offered the villain role in 'Noah'

As the casting for Darren Aronofsky's Noah commences, one of the big questions left is who the frig is the villain going to be? Liam Neeson had been mentioned for the part a few months ago, but nothing came of it. And what exactly would they be doing? Russell Crowe is taking on the titular Ark builder, so what would a villain....well....do? Is he like the world's first anchor builder? Or maybe he's a famed animal catcher who rounds them all up before they can make it to the ship? Well, whatever the role entails, he's going to have one of the scariest voices in all of Hollywood.

Deadline reports that Ray Winstone is in line to take on the villain role, beating out Val Kilmer(!!!!!!!) who was also one of the finalists. Winstone is one of the most intense actors around, and his smoky, gravelly voice is unmistakable. He most recently played one of the dwarfs in Snow White and the Huntsman, but check out The Proposition for just how bad ass this dude can be.  The idea of him squaring off with Crowe would make Noah worth the price of admission alone.

Emma Watson, Saoirse Ronan, Logan Lerman, and Douglas Booth are set to star, with Jennifer Connelly still circling the wife role. Noah is expected to open March 28th 2014.