
The Sunday Drive 6/10/12

3. Moonrise Kingdom
A whimsical, hilarious, and often poignant coming of age story, Moonrise Kingdom is Wes Anderson's finest work yet, with arguably his two most mature lead performances. This joy of a film follows a pair of young lovers(the perfectly Jared Gilman and Kara Hayward) who run away together, setting the troubled adults of New Penzance into a state of desperation and confusion.

2. I Wish
A film about kids that actually understands how they think and speak, Hirokazu Koreeda doesn't pull any punches in crafting his bittersweet masterpiece, about two young brothers who make a desperate, far fetched gamble to reunite their estranged parents.
1. Prometheus
A bold, ambitious modern day classic from the returning Ridley Scott, Prometheus will likely be the most debated film of 2012. Preconceived notions of what the film is or should be will color your enjoyment, so the best thing to do is just go in cold, and be prepared to have your senses blown into the next galaxy. Few are the movies that work on such a sprawling scale, yet manage to be tense and eerily intimate at the same time, while still finding time to ask some of the great questions of the universe.

DVD Pick of the Week: Declaration of War
It's not called Declaration of War for nothing. This extraordinary French dramedy is an exhilarating challenge against hopelessness and resignation. Written by and starring Jérémie Elkaïm and Valérie Donzelli, the story tells the true story of their fight to stay vigilant when their newborn son was diagnosed with a brain tumor. With the aid of their family and friends, they channel their fear into positive action, hitting a few bumps along but leaning on one another to stand strong. The rare film about illness that never once strives to be pitied, Declaration of War could teach all of us a lesson in standing strong when all seems lost.